• Diet Therapy:
  1.              Iodine - Major component of  &  sources are fish, seaweed, Iodized salt and shellfish.
  2.              Protein - It stops hair loss due to thyroid sources are fish, white meat poultry, Legumes and egg whites
  3.              Fiber

  4.              Zinc & selenium - It prevents diminishing levels. Sources are shrimp, spinach, beef, kidney beans, flax seeds etc.
  5.              Foods with low G1
  6.             Vitamin D
  • Yoga Therapy:
                     Hypothyroidism - Sarvangasana, Viparitakarani, Janu Sirshasana, Matsyasana  kapalbhati, ujjayi and Nadishodhan.
                    Hyperthyroidism -  Setubandhasana, shavasana, balasana, suryanamaskar (slau  phase), ujjayi, bhrahmari and Nadishodhan.
  • Herbal Medicine:
  1.                         Jalkumbhi (watercress) juice in dosage of 30 ml twice a day is beneficial.
  2.                        Shankhpushpi root 50gm boiled in 300ml water and reduce to 50ml, filter and   drink in morning and evening as tea on empty stomach.
  3.                        Sitaphal leaves juice 20ml/ dry powder 5gm twice day.
  4.                        Mash green bananas with cow’s ghee and have for breakfast till the stomach is full. It should be taken for 15 - 20   days.
  5.                        Take oats with lots of water.
  •   Mud Therapy:
                     Mud application to neck, full body mud application and abdomen mud pack.

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