• Introduction:
  • ‘OM’ or ‘AUM’ also known as ‘pranava’. The monosyllable the ‘AUM’ is the universe. It is past, present and future.

  • Pravana mantra is the shortest among all the mantras.
  • It is from this OM that the whole creating is made through permutations and combinations.
  • In Indian scripture the sacred syllable ‘OM’ is the primordial sound from which all other sounds and creating emerge which signifies the supreme power.
  • The description of the OM has been taken from four Upanishads, Mandrake Mendulega kathe Upanishad. swotasvatana, Bhagvat geeta and pathanjali yoga sutras.
  • To understand the OM Kara meditation ,the meaning of AUM should be understood. It explains the various states of mind. It is as follows:
                    A = the waking state (gross world)
               B = Dream state (subtle world)
               C = State of deep sleep (causal world)

Technique of practice:
  • The practitioner should sit in any comfortable position or any meditative pole.
  • Then the practitioner should be aware of his or her breath for a few minutes.
  • Pranayama can be performed to does the nostrils like Anuloma viloma or Nadi shodhan or kapalabhati.
  • Next sheetali pranayama can be done to calm down the mind.
  • Now visualize the symbol of AUM with open eyes or without blinking.
  • Now close the eyes and visualize the symbol of AUM.
  • Then open the eyes and visualize the colour of the symbol of AUM.
  • Again close the eyes and visualize the shape of AUM.
  • Now try to concentrate on the measuring of AUM internally.
  • Start darning Om kara slowly.
  • The beginner should prefer loud chanting.
  • Try to be aware of the chanting, the sound and the aware of the AUM.
  • Foil the whole body vibrating in the harmony of OM kara chanting.
  • Continue the practice for at least 15 min.
  • Stop chanting of the OM kara and aware of the internal chanting of the OM kara.
  • Now feel the vibrations of the AUM in between the eyebrows and continue for 15 mins.
  • It gives a control of the mind as the practitioner more further in the practice.
  • End the practice with chanting of OM kara loudly for 3 times.
  • Benefits:
Powerful method of relaxing the entire body and mind rapidly.
It quickly brings mental peace and helps present psychosomatic disorders.
It can be practiced when one feels stressed, tensed, angry and negative emotions.
It improves brain functions and perception.
It can lead to a higher state of meditation and realization of higher truth.

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