Exposure of the body to sun is an efficient way of accelerating eliminative and healing processes in the body. We may have sun, but our past generations were exposed to sun light while they went for a walk, whereas the present generations rarely get an opportunity due to the comfortable life. Perhaps that’s the reason for our suffering.
                       Sun rays are rich in Vitamin D, which is important for bones, the joints and to circulate blood. Sun bath can be taken for 10 - 30 minutes during morning or evening every day. One must drink plenty of water, before sunbath and in between if necessary.
            Cover your head with a wet towel; take of the clothes or in minimal clothes and expose your body parts by either lying down or sitting in the sun. It is advisable to expose your body to mild sun light, as harsh sun light could damage the skin. Once you start sweating, take a bath in cold water and thereafter take rest.
Benefits of: Sun Bath
  •         Improves blood circulation.
  •         Helps in eliminating toxins from the body via perspiration.
  •         Sun Bathing improves conditions such as osteoporosis, paralysis, gout tuberculosis and other skin ailments.
  •         It’s a richest source of Vitamin D.

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