Naturopathic Management for Insomnia

                       Stress is the major cause of Insomnia. Sleep plays an important role in body repair and regeneration of health.
                       Insomnia can affect the body’s hormone secretion and its immune function. That also causes many disease in our body.

 Naturopathy Management:
                       Helps in improving skin activity, improves blood circulation and relieves strain of muscles.
                       Head massage with Luke warm oil is very effective in inducing sleep.
                       Drinking 2 - 3 litre of water daily helps to detoxify the body.
                       Spinal bath, spinal spray, Immersion bath can be recommended for Insomnia.
                       Hot foot bath taken before bed is very effective to induce sleep.

Mud Therapy:
                       Abdomen and Eye mud pack can enhance the secretion of endorphin hormone and reduces the stress and induces sleep. This also reduces the Inflammation.
                       It’s also a very effective treatment for reducing stress and inducing sleep.
                       Head massage without oil; with Acupressure on forehead before bed is an effective treatment for Insomnia and stress relief.
                       Surya Namaskar, Asanas, Pranayama can be practiced.
                       And also practice deep relaxation technique, quick relaxation techniques and Trataka can reduce the stress,   
                       Improves the health and induce sleep.
                       Regular practice of yoga can give good results for sleeplessness.

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